Just a few weeks ago, on the 18th of February 2024, we celebrated 11 years of being together as a church. We number now around 100. We are a growing community, a diverse community, yet a community that is knit together through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our 4 core values continue to drive us as we seek to be faithful in these areas. They are,
- We prioritise the Word of God – John 17:17
- We work hard at simple obedience – 2 Corinthians 11:3b
- We strive to love and serve each other – John 13:34
- We proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ – Matthew 28:19a
We don’t know what brings you to our website. If you are looking for a local church to attend, then we commend you for this. Christ pronounced the building of and the continued growth of the church in Matthew 16. The book of Acts shows how the church grew and what her priorities were to be, Acts 2:37-47 for example. And the letters to the different churches in the New Testament shows how central the church is, and how she is to continue, often amid difficulties. We are not a perfect church, but we do follow and worship a perfect Saviour, and it is our goal to grow more and more into His likeness, Romans 8:29.
Why not check out a sermon or two? Feel free to contact the number provided if you have any questions, or just come and join us for one of our services on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. You will be most welcome and welcomed.